Saturday, November 13, 2010

Backyard Berming

Our new backyard berm in the fall
I can hardly remember how the area in the above image flooded each spring and during the heavy rains in the summer.

Besides digging the two ponds, we knew something else had to be done. Berming was a natural choice. Bring in the 'dirt', pile it up to make it look hilly and add the sod. Sound easy? Well, sort of. We did have help lugging all of the dirt or clean fill as it is called to the backyard area. The raking of the fill was done by our daughter and the sodding was completed by Jim and myself. The job wasn't easy, but well worth it. After adding the bark pathway, we are quite pleased that water no longer stands, turning the area into a swamp. Now blankets can be thrown down for sun bathing and lawn chairs can be placed and directed to face the waterfall for pure enjoyment!

The berm when we had just completed the sodding
The new berm in the summer planted with annuals and the Sumac shrub

My Fall Garden

I can't believe that it is November 13 already...wasn't the snow melting just a while back and I was cursing all of the summer rain?

The image above is the last of the waterfall for this year. Today in zero degree weather we turned off the water and 'blew out' the underground pipes. What a job! And cold too! Now we wait for the sub-zero temperatures and for the larger pond to freeze over. Then out come the ice skates and I am back to shedding a few pounds. I always seem to add about 6 lbs from the end of gardening season to the beginning of skating season. I guess it's all that sitting at the computer that causes it...or is it the eating?

The above image was taken last week and I must say that the grass is still pretty green...the leaves have fallen but the grasses edging the pond are still swaying in the wind. I'm excited to see my Dwarf Blue Arctic Willow next year. It grew 3 times it's size in one year and planting it beside the waterfall was simply perfect. This is one shrub/tree that doesn't quickly shed leaves in the fall. Mine still has plenty.

Unfortunately, I did not heed my own suggestion and spray my my Tiger's Eye Sumac with a deer deterrent. Those silly beasts came into the yard and chewed it to bits...and bits. My own fault. I will know better for next year.

My Tiger's Eye Sumac Fall Colors
My Dwarf Blue Arctic Willow
My poor eaten Tiger's Eye Sumac