Naturally, any plant that glows such a magnificent coral red immediately catches my attention, no matter how hard someone tries to hide the plant.
Have I been living under a rock not to notice this annual in my previous adventures to the garden center? While the tag indicates that the Bonfire works well as a border plant, I can't imagine planting it in the ground! This begonia belongs in a planter box, basket or container...allowing for the naturally curving branches, filled with an abundance of brightly coloured blooms, to fall gently downwards.
Now, don't go thinking that I have so much time on my hands, it just that the plants seem to look so much better when only the living blooms are attached to the stems!
So, go ahead, find the Bonfire Begonia and while you are at it, buy another container for planting. Just remember to add Myke's growth hormone prior to adding the begonia. This begonia also prefers a moist soil, so don't forget to water regularly. Enjoy!