Believe it or not, this is our newest little addition to our under the back porch abode. This is Bugs, Jr. I have told told by the neighbours that Bugs Senior is still around, but I have not seen her for quite sometime.
It has come to my attention that once you have one, the possibility of there being additional brothers and sisters is quite likely. For the past 2 months, I have only seen the above, unless the critters are that smart and are tricking me by all looking the same.
Up until last week, Bugs had little if any damage to my plants. He/she was very busy only eating the taller grass. Although not friendly enough to approach (and why would I), Bugs does allow me to garden rather close by and feels quite comfortable in having his/her picture taken...even a close-up.
Then the enivitable happened. Last week right in front of my eyes, little Bugs chewed off a perfectly good, healthy stem from my new planted Astilbe. Good grief! Do rabbits like Astilbe? I thought not. Well, they don't. Looking straight at me, she just left the poor broken stem sitting on the ground beside the plant and scampered away. It was almost as if a round of defiance was in order.
My husband Jim believes it's because we had not filled up her feeding bowl with Cheerios cereal, 5 grain, of course. This could be true. Yikes...I have not filled the bowl today...better get on that right away.
PS - I have many options that I use to stop deer and rabbits from eating my shrubs and perennials that really work. If you would like further information, please visit Stop Deer and Rabbits.