Why not mix herbs with your blooms? I do. Not only do I enjoy the colour that these herbs give to my gardens, but each separate scent is amazing. Not to mention that each herb serves a purpose within my bathtub, kitchen or underwear drawer!
Basil: grows to a dwarf bush-like plant, only about 12 inches tall. Pick for cooking prior to it blooming. Just keep snipping it and it keeps growing.
Oregano: another dwarf bush-like herb in growth. Variegated leaves and will flower pink. Grows to about 6 inches tall. I plant it as an edging annual plant in my middle flowerbed.
Lavender: my all time favourite. I grow as much as I can. Not only do I love the tall purple flower spikes (18 inches in height), I enjoy drying the Lavender and using a few springs in my bath water. Once dried, the Lavender Anouk makes great sachets for under the pillow or for our delicates. Try soaking some Lavender in water and spray lightly on linen/bedsheets.
Chives: who doesn't want Chives in the garden? Ready to snip and drop into so many recipes like...fresh mozzarella salad ...mmm! Grows to 12 inches tall with purple flowers. A great attraction for bees.
Lemon Balm: I planted the Lemon Balm as an annual in the summer of 2009. In mid July of this year I discovered, a most pleasant surprise, the Lemon Balm growing in three areas of my middle garden. Adding a few lemon leaves to a glass of ice tea is perfect. Try freezing a few leaves with water in ice cube trays and adding to your next punch bowl.
There you have it, my 5 favourite compact herbs for the flowerbed garden. Enjoy!