Thursday, September 30, 2010

Growing The Limelight Hydrangea

I'm so excited!! I finally have a hydrangea blooming...and its almost October! Even my Leopards Bane is still blooming and it is a late spring to early summer bloomer. Go figure.

What a squirrely growing season the 2010 year has been. Similar to 2009, this spring and summer has been on the wet side...really wet side. On the bright side, we seldom put the water hose into the pond.

The only other Hydrangea, besides the Limelight pictured above, that bloomed this year was the Quick Fire planted by the large pond. My Annabelle has plenty of leaves and I can certainly see some buds, but within the next week the hard frost is to hit us and these buds will be history.

Let me know if you have expereinced the same crazy growing season.