Sunday, September 5, 2010

Yellow Jacket Stings

WOW....stung by a nasty Yellow Jacket on Saturday afternoon, while picking my neighbours sweet black grapes hanging from her chain link fence. I had always known that I had some form of reaction to these stings, but this time the reaction was pretty severe.

The immediate pain was immense. My poor neighbour ran to get some antihistamine. I could feel a reaction coming on.Thank goodness Jim was home. Within seconds my breathing became laboured and I left dizzy enough to sit down on the kitchen floor.

It didn't take long before my middle finger swelled to almost double its size and I could no longer function with my hand.

What to do? Tried to ice it...the pain was just too great. Cleaned it, put on a anti itch creme and called it a day. So much for my transplanting my climbing roses and shrubs on Sunday. I hear that the symptoms from these stings can last for between 24 to 72 hours... just great.

Just don't ask to see my's my middle finger and it's as stiff as a board. You might think that I'm giving you the 'finger'.

Have a great Labour Day long weekend!
