Monday, April 26, 2010

The Greatest...PaperPots

PaperPots: I bet your wondering, "Pots made out of paper?" Well...yes and no. These pots are made from unbleached natural kraft paper laminated to a strong woven-mesh polyethylene inner lining. This results in a strong, light grow pot.
Perhaps this post sounds more like an ad for this pot, but I have tried this Paperpot for growing tomatoes and it works. I can only imagine how well this pot would be for apartment dwellers who can only garden on their balconies.
Actually, anything can be grown in a Paperpot...tomatoes, flowers, bulbs.
Are you moving? What a great way to move your precious perennials from location to location. And what about 'heeling' in your plants for a short period of time prior to permanent planting? There are so many ways to use this pot.
By the way, this Paperpot is recyclable , slug resistant and offers great drainage. More great reasons to try this pot. I love sharing new and great innovative garden products...oh yes, this is a Canadian West Coast company. Please visit their web site

My Weeping Pussy Willow

Just before Easter, as I trudged through our local grocery store, a pot of hanging pussy willows caught my eye. I had never seen or heard of the grafted weeping variety...and ergo I needed to know more.
The young lady behind the counter really had very little knowledge on the plant other than to read the attached card that came with the plant.
Turns out this plant is called the Salix Caprea Pendula or The Weeping Pussy Willow. Beautiful. The fluffy silvery white catkins turn a golden yellow and once bloomed, the plant becomes covered in dark green leaves. It is winter hardy to my zone 3 and enjoys a drink more than not.

It has been said to cut the plant stems back to within two inches of the main stem once the bloom period is over, but I am going to wait awhile as I am enjoying the plant as is.

There is a bit of folklore to the Weeping Pussy Willow: Legend has it that the willow is bestowed with magical power capable of fulfilling wishes. For a wish to be granted, ask permission of the willow explaining your desire. Select a pliable shoot and tie a loose knot in it expressing your wish. When your wish is fulfilled, return and until the knot. They say to remember to thank the willow for your gift.